MES Help Documentation


Smart Factory is a comprehensive all-in-one tool that is meticulously designed to streamline and optimize industrial processes, placing a strong focus on production management and reliability. This solution stands out by offering an additional layer of assurance, ensuring dependable and consistent manufacturing operations. It provides real-time insights, efficient data handling, and seamless communication across the production environment.

Utilizing advanced technologies, our smart factory solution enhances visibility and control, empowering users to make informed decisions with confidence. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, our smart manufacturing execution system is tailored to meet the unique demands of industrial environments, offering a scalable and adaptable solution for improving overall production efficiency.

Contact our team to acquire our manufacturing MES software. Upon purchase, you can sign up and leverage it to enhance visibility and control over your production process.

Steps to create an account :

  • Open the Smart Factory home page and choose sign up.

Singup page

  • Fill in the mandatory details to create an account.
  • Click the sign-up to login.

Login page

After hitting the 'Sign up' button, a confirmation mail will be sent to the mail id you've provided. Check your mail and follow the instructions in it to complete the sign-up and get your account activated.

There are separate logins for each member on the shop floor. The following roles are added in the MES :

  • Super Admin
  • Store - Manager
  • Store - Executive
  • Store - Viewer
  • Maintenance - Manager
  • Maintenance - Executive
  • Department - Head
  • Department - Supervisor
  • Department - Operator

After signup, it will be the super admin account. Once you're done, you can see the MES User Interface of Super Admin.

Now let's see the role-wise functionalities in detail.

Super Admin :

After signup, the super admin will be asked to enter the Company Information details. These details include :

  • Company Name
  • Company Logo
  • Company Address
  • Production Type
  • Number of Shifts
  • Process Type
  • Packages
  • Shift Timings

Upon entering the company information, the super admin will be prompted to choose the 'Production Type,' where they can select either manual data entry or automate the process through Device entry. Next, the super admin will need to specify the number of shifts in their industry. Following this, they must choose the type of process conducted on the shop floor, selecting between batch or line processes.

In the 'Packages' tab, the super admin will need to select one of the available options: 'Production Essentials,' 'Quality Excellence,' or 'Factory Advantage,' based on their requirements.

The differences between these packages are as follows:

  • Production Essentials - For small plan
  • Quality Excellence - For medium-sized plan
  • Factory Advantage - For large plans

Additionally, you will have the option to enable face login if desired.

Note: The data entered on the Company Info page cannot be modified once submitted.

Once the company information is inputted, the super admin will encounter his user interface.

The first task is to pre-configure essential details. In the top right corner, locate the profile icon. Beneath the options listed below the profile icon, begin by selecting the 'settings' icon.


Within the 'Settings' section, you will find the master data for your entire production floor. Let's explore each tab individually.

Department :

Under the 'Department' section, you will find information regarding the department and their associated details. To add a new department, follow these steps:


  • Click on the + symbol located in the top right corner.
  • 'Add Department' windows will appear.
  • In the 'Department Name', specify the name of the department in your shop floor.
  • Provide a deep description of the department in the 'Description' tab.
  • Hit the 'Add Department' button to include the department.

Upon successful addition, you can review the details of all departments. The 'Options' button allows you to edit or delete the added department.

In the 'Show entries' option, you can choose the number of entries you want to appear on the first page. The 'search' option enables you to search for any specific department.

Process :

Within the 'Process' tab, you will find information regarding the process names and their associated details. To add a new process under a department, follow these steps:

  • Click on the + symbol located in the top right corner.
  • The 'Add Process' window will appear.
  • Enter the 'Process Name' in the provided field.
  • Select the department from the list of added departments in the 'Department Name' tab under which the process will be categorized.
  • Choose whether a quality check is necessary for the part being manufactured by selecting Yes or No.
  • In the 'Tool Type' tab, specify the type of tool used during the manufacturing process for that particular department or process.
  • In the 'No. Of Tools' tab, enter the quantity of tools required for that process.
  • Provide a brief description of the specific department or process.
  • Finally, click 'Add Process' to include the new process.

Upon successful addition, you can review the details of all processes. The 'Options' button allows you to edit or delete the added processes.


In the 'Show entries' option, you can choose the number of entries you want to appear on the first page. The 'search' option enables you to search for any specific process. Additionally, instead of manually inputting details, you can import a file containing all the necessary information using the 'Import your file' option.

Machines :

Moving on to the 'Machines' page, you can pre-configure the details of the machines used for all departments and processes.

To add machine details, follow these steps:

  • Click on the + symbol to initiate the addition of machine details.
  • The 'Add Machine' window will appear.
  • Enter a unique machine ID number for each machine in the 'Machine ID' tab.
  • Select the specific process to which the machine belongs in the 'Dept/Process Name' tab.
  • In the 'Next Service Date' tab, choose the date for servicing that particular machine.
  • Specify the period at which you wish to perform regular service for the machine in the 'Service Intervals' tab; these intervals are set at 3-month intervals.
  • Provide a name for the service that the machine undergoes in the 'Service Name' tab.
  • Enter any necessary details about the service in the 'Service Details' tab.
  • In the 'Info' tab, you can add any specific information about the machine or service, if needed.
  • Finally, click the 'Add Machine' button to include the machine.

Entering service details is optional. You can view the added details for all machines and edit or delete them using the 'Options' button.


In the 'Show entries' option, you can choose the number of entries you want to appear on the first page. The 'search' option allows you to find any specific machine. Additionally, instead of manually inputting details, you can import a file containing all the necessary information using the 'Import your file' option.

Parts :

"Parts" are the things that you are going to make or produce. On the 'Parts' page, you can pre-configure the details of the parts intended for manufacturing.

Follow these steps to add part details:

  • Click on the + symbol to access the 'Add Part' window.
  • Assign a unique number to each part in the 'Part Number' tab.
  • Specify the name of the part in the 'Part Name' tab.
  • Enter the cost of a single part in the 'Part Cost' tab.
  • Once the part cost is entered, provide the CGST % and SGST % of the part cost.
  • Provide a brief description of the part in the 'Description' tab.
  • Click the 'Add Part' button to include the part.

Note: Entering cost details like GST % is optional and is used for generating invoices.

You can view the added details for all parts and edit or delete them using the 'Options' button.


In the 'Show entries' option, you can choose the number of entries you want to appear on the first page. The 'search' option allows you to find any specific part. Additionally, instead of manually inputting details, you can import a file containing all the necessary information using the 'Import your file' option.

Tools :

Navigate to the 'Tools' page to set up pre-configurations for tool details.

Follow these steps to add tool details:

  • Click the + symbol in the top right corner to open the 'Add Tool' window.
  • Assign a unique number to the tool in the 'Tool Number' tab, followed by entering the name of that particular tool in the 'Tool Name' tab.
  • Specify the cost of the tool in the 'Tool Cost' tab.
  • Select the particular department or process for which you'll use the tool in the 'Dept/Process Name' tab.
  • Enter the count of sides the tool possesses in the 'No. Of Sides' tab.

It's crucial to specify the tool's lifetime to receive alerts for replacement once its life is over, preventing disruptions in the production process. Three types of tool lifetimes can be identified:

  • Parts: The quantity of parts the tool can be used to produce.
  • Minutes: The time until which the tool can be used in minutes.
  • Meters: The length level until which the tool can be used.
  • Choose the tool's lifetime in the 'Tool life time' tab.
  • Enter a brief description of the tool in the 'Description' tab.
  • Click the 'Add Tool' button.

Entering the tool cost is essential for visualizing data in the revenue report by the management team. You can view the added details for all tools and edit or delete them using the 'Options' button.


In the 'Show entries' option, you can select the number of entries you wish to see on the first page. The 'search' option allows you to find any specific tool. Additionally, instead of manually inputting details, you can import a file containing all the necessary information using the 'Import your file' option.

Cycle Times :

Navigate to the 'Cycle Times' page to access the complete production data. Follow these steps to add cycle time:

Click on the + symbol to open the 'Add Cycle Time' window. Subcategories appear under the window: General, Tools, and Quality specifications.

Begin with the General division:

  • Select the part for manufacturing from the dropdown menu in the 'Part Number' tab.
  • Choose the process in the 'Dept/Process Name' tab.
  • In the 'Dependent Process' tab, select a process from the list that depends on the previously selected process.
  • Assign a unique number to the operation process in the 'Operation Number' tab.
  • Input the machining time in minutes.

Note: Machining Time represents the machine running time from material input to product output.

  • Similarly, input the loading/unloading time (time to replace parts) in the 'Loading/Unloading Time' tab in minutes.
  • Specify the count of parts manufactured per cycle in the 'Parts Per Cycle' tab.
  • Set the target for each shift in the 'Target Per Shift' tab.

Then, proceed to the 'Tools' category:

Access tool details only if the tool type is specified in the 'Process' page.

  • Specify the tool's unique number in the 'Tool Number' tab.
  • Choose the tool name in the 'Tool Name' tab.
  • Select the tool's life span in the 'Tool Life Time' tab.
  • Specify the time the tool remains in contact with the machine in the 'Contact Time' tab.
  • The 'No. Of Cycles' will be automatically calculated based on the entered contact time.

Next, navigate to the 'Quality Specification' category:

In the 'Quality Check' tab, choose between 'Sample' and '100%'. 'Sample' checks random parts, while '100%' checks all produced parts. Select accordingly.

For 'Sample' option:

  • Enter the count of parts to inspect in the 'Parts to inspect' tab.
  • Choose the time interval for inspections in the 'Inspect Interval' tab.

To input quality parameter details:

  • Click on the + symbol.
  • Enter parameter names in the 'Parameters' tab.
  • Specify the minimum and maximum values in the 'Min Value' and 'Max Value' tabs.

Repeat the procedure to add multiple parameters. Use the 'Delete' option to remove any parameters.

Once all details are entered, click the 'Add Cycle Time' button.

Review the added details for all cycle times, with the ability to edit or delete using the 'Options' button.

Cycle Times

Customize your view using the 'Show entries' option to select the number of entries on the first page. Easily find specific cycle times using the 'Search' option. Alternatively, streamline the process by importing details from a file using the 'Import Your File' option, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

Line Setup :

If you've selected 'Line Setup' while configuring your company details, the 'Line Setup' page will appear. This page allows you to add the details of processes that fall under a particular 'Line.' To create a line process, follow the steps below:

  • Click the 'Create' button located at the top-right corner.
  • The 'Line Setup' window will appear.
  • In the 'Parts' tab, select the appropriate parts that will be produced using the line setup.

Note: You can use the 'Add Parts' option to add other parts to the list.

  • Once a part is selected, a simple layout chart will appear under the 'Parts' tab. This chart displays the list of processes assigned to that part, along with the operation number. In the 'No. of machines' option, select the machines to be assigned for completing that process. After adding the machines, the target count will be displayed along with the machine IDs.
  • Under the 'Department' tab, select the department from the list of added departments that corresponds to the line process.Under the 'Department' tab, select the department from the list of added departments that corresponds to the line process.
  • Enter a name for your line process in the 'Line Name' tab.
  • Finally, click the 'Add Line' button to add the line process.

The added line details will appear. In addition to the added information, you can view the following details:

  • Number of Machines: Shows the count of machines used for that process.
  • Targets: Displays the target quantity of parts to be produced.
  • Line View: Allows you to view the line details, including the operation number, number of machines, target count, and machine IDs.

Line Setup

You can edit or delete details using the 'Options' button. Additionally, you can customize your view by selecting the number of entries displayed per page with the 'Show entries' option and locate specific line processes efficiently using the 'Search' option.

Rejection Reasons :

On the 'Rejection Reasons' page, pre-configure potential rejection reasons for produced parts. To add a rejection reason:

  • Click the + symbol in the top right corner to open the 'Add Rejection Reason' window.
  • Choose a department from the list of departments that appear in the 'Department Name.'
  • Enter the rejection reason in the 'Rejection Reason' tab.
  • Click 'Add Rejection Reason.'

You can add multiple rejection reasons for any department. Also, you can edit or delete details using the 'Options' button.

Rejection Reasons

Customize your view using 'Show entries' to select the number of entries on the first page and you can efficiently locate specific reasons using the 'Search' option.

Downtime Reasons :

Downtime reasons are the explanations for why production processes temporarily stop or face interruptions. This page enables the pre-configuration of downtime reasons on your shop floor. To set it up:

  • Click the + symbol in the top right corner to open 'Add Downtime Reason.'
  • Choose the department for pre-defining downtime reasons in the 'Department Name' tab.
  • There are three types of downtime reasons:

    • Availability: downtime due to reduced machine availability.
    • Performance: downtime related to output issues.
    • Machine Breakdown: downtime caused by machine breakdown.
  • Select a reason type from the drop-down list in the 'Reason Type' tab.
  • Provide a brief description about the downtime reason in the 'Reason' tab.
  • Assign unique colors to each downtime reason; otherwise, it defaults to black.
  • Click 'Add Downtime Reason.'

Downtime Reasons

You can edit or delete added downtime details using the 'Options' button.

Customize your view with 'Show entries' to select the number of entries on the first page. Easily find specific reasons with the 'Search' option.

Targets :

The 'Targets' page enables pre-configuration of specific targets for each process, crucial for OEE data calculation.

  • Click on the + symbol to open the 'Add Target' window.
  • Choose the specific process/department in the 'Process Name' tab.
  • Enter the availability percentage in the 'Availability' tab, performance percentage in the 'Performance' tab, and quality percentage in the 'Quality' tab.

Upon inputting these details, the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is automatically calculated and displayed.

  • To add the target, click 'Add Target.'


You can edit or delete added targets using the 'Options' button.

Customize your view using 'Show entries' to select the number of entries on the first page. Easily locate specific targets with the 'Search' option.

Raw Material :

Raw materials are the basic substances used to create finished products. The 'Raw Material' page allows you to pre-configure raw materials for your shop floor production.

  • Click the + symbol to open the 'Add Raw Material' window.
  • Assign a unique number for each raw material in the 'Raw Material Number' tab.
  • Enter the raw material name in the 'Raw Material Name' tab.
  • In the 'Raw Material Type' tab, select the type of raw material—RM or Accessories.
  • Specify the vendor lead time in the 'Vendor Lead Time' tab. Input the time it will take for the vendor to supply the material in minutes.
  • Enter the cost of the raw material in the 'Raw Material Cost' tab.
  • In the 'Measurement Type' tab, choose how the raw material will be measured: Weight, Length, or Count.
  • Specify the unit of measurement in the 'RM Measurement Unit' tab.
  • Provide a brief description of the raw material in the 'Description' box.
  • Once all details are entered, click 'Add Raw Material' to save the information.

Raw Material

You can edit or delete added raw material details using the 'Options' button.

Customize your view with 'Show entries' to select the number of entries on the first page. Easily find specific materials with the 'Search' option. Additionally, simplify the process by importing details from a file using the 'Import Your File' option.

RM vs Parts :

The 'RM vs Parts' page illustrates the correlation between raw materials and the parts manufactured using them.

  • Click the + symbol to access the 'Add RM vs Parts' window.
  • Select the part from the 'Part Name' dropdown menu.
  • Choose the raw material from the provided list in the 'Raw Material' tab.
  • In the 'Process Name' tab, select the process to which the material belongs.
  • In the 'Part RM Relation' tab, specify whether it increases or decreases the count of parts produced using the raw material.
  • Enter the Part RM Factor value in the designated space.
  • Click 'Add RM vs Parts'.

RM vs Parts

You can edit or delete added RM vs Parts relations using the 'Options' button.

Customize your view with 'Show entries' to select the number of entries on the first page. Easily find specific materials using the 'Search' option.

Consumables :

Consumables are materials or items that are used up or depleted during the manufacturing process. The 'Consumables' page allows you to configure details about the consumables used in manufacturing.

  • To access the 'Add Consumable' window, click the + symbol in the top right corner.
  • Assign a unique number for each consumable in the 'Consumable Number' tab.
  • Specify the name of the consumable in the 'Consumable Name' tab.
  • Enter the cost of the consumable in the 'Consumable Cost' tab.
  • Provide a brief description in the 'Description' tab.
  • Click 'Add Consumable'.


You can edit or delete added consumable details using the 'Options' button.

Customize your view with 'Show entries' to select the number of entries on the first page. Easily find specific consumables using the 'Search' option. Simplify the process by importing details from a file using the 'Import Your File' option.

Spare Parts :

The 'Spare Parts' page allows you to configure and manage details about the spare parts used in manufacturing. To add spare part details, follow these steps:

  • Click the + icon located in the top-right corner.
  • The 'Add Spare Parts' window will open.

  • Add Spare Parts

  • Enter a unique identifier for the spare part in the 'Spare Part Number' field.
  • Specify the name of the spare part in the 'Spare Part Name' field.
  • Input the cost of the spare part in the 'Spare Part Cost' field.
  • Provide a description of the spare part in the designated box.
  • Click the 'Add Spare Part' button to save the details.

You can edit or delete added spare part details using the 'Options' button.

Customize your view with 'Show entries' to select the number of entries on the first page. Easily find specific spare part details using the 'Search' option. Simplify the process by importing details from a file using the 'Import Your File' option.

Customer :

The 'Customer' page facilitates the addition of customer details. To add a customer:

  • Click the + symbol to open the 'Add Customer' window.
  • Input the customer's name in the 'Customer Name' tab.
  • Select the specific part number from the dropdown menu in the 'Part Number' tab.
  • Enter the customer's address in the appropriate box.
  • If necessary, input the customer's company GST number.
  • Utilize the 'Details' box for any specific customer information.
  • Click 'Add Customer'.


You can edit or delete customer details using the 'Options' button.

Customize your view with 'Show entries' to select the number of entries on the first page. Easily locate specific customers using the 'Search' option.

Vendor :

On the 'Vendor' page, configure and view details about suppliers providing materials for your production. You can manually enter each vendor's details or import them using the 'Import Your File' option. To add a vendor:

  • Click the + symbol to open the 'Add Vendor' window.
  • Input the vendor's name in the 'Vendor Name' tab.
  • Choose the vendor's 'Country' from the provided list.
  • Optionally, specify any additional details about the vendor in the 'Details' tab.
  • Click 'Add Vendor'.


You can edit or delete vendor details using the 'Options' button.

Customize your view with 'Show entries' to select the number of entries on the first page. Easily locate specific vendors using the 'Search' option.

Employee :

Within the 'Employee' page, you can input details about shop floor personnel.

  • Click the + symbol in the top right corner to open the 'Add Employee' window.
  • In the 'Employee ID' tab, provide the unique email ID serving as the login username for MES access.
  • Enter the 'First and Last Names'.
  • Set a unique 'Password'. (Note : the password can't be changed later)
  • Add the 'Contact Number' of the employee.
  • Choose the process the employee belongs to in the 'Dept/Process Name' tab.
  • Select the specific 'Role' based on the department.

These are the roles within each department:

  • Store - Manager, Executive, Viewer
  • Maintenance - Manager, Executive
  • Department - Head, Supervisor, Operator

Click 'Add Employee.'


You can edit or delete employee details using the 'Options' button.

Customize your view with 'Show entries' to select the number of entries on the first page. Easily find specific employees using the 'Search' option.

These details form the master data for monitoring and controlling your production floor. Following this configuration, the next crucial step is 'Device Setup,' involving the allocation of processes/departments to supervisors and assigning specific machines to operators.

Device Setup

To assign a specific process to a supervisor and a particular machine to an operator, access the 'Device Setup' page through the 'User Profile' icon in the top right corner.

For department/process allocation to the Supervisor:

  • Click on the 'Supervisor' tab.

  • Supervisor Device Allocation

  • In the 'Department' tab, choose a department to allocate to the supervisor.
  • Upon selecting the department, the line processes associated with it will be displayed. From the list, select the appropriate process.
  • Click 'Set' to assign the supervisor to the selected process.

For device allocation for the Operator:

  • Click on the 'Operator' tab.

  • Operator Device Allocation

  • In the 'Department' tab, select a process under which the operator will work.
  • Upon selecting the department, the line processes associated with it will be displayed. From the list, select the appropriate process.
  • Once the process is selected, in the 'Machine Name' tab, choose a machine for the operator.
  • Click 'Set' to finalize the allocation.

Supervisors and operators can log in using two methods: through the device setup method, allowing the super admin to log into the machine and perform the setup, or using their login credentials.

Now let's navigate to the management section.


You can manage production planning, production scheduling, and execution in this place. Work order creation is the initial and crucial step in the planning process.


The 'Planning' page facilitates the generation of work orders and the creation of a plan, consisting of 'Workorder', 'Plan', and 'Overall Plan' sections.

1. Work Order:

This section allows for the creation of a work order to initiate production. To generate a work order:

  • Click the 'Add' button to open the 'Add Workorder' window.
  • The 'WO Date' tab defaults to the present day's date.
  • Enter a unique number for each work order in the 'WO No.' tab.
  • Choose a part from the added parts list in the 'Part No.' tab for manufacturing.
  • Specify the quantity of parts to manufacture in the 'Quantity' tab.
  • Select the production starting date and the product delivery date in the 'Start Date' and 'Delivery Date' tabs, respectively.
  • Determine the priority level of the work order (High, Medium, Low) in the 'Priority' tab.
  • 'Not planned' appears by default in the 'Status' tab, as this is the initial work order creation stage.
  • Enter the customer's name in the 'Customer' tab.
  • Provide any relevant remarks in the appropriate box.
  • Click the 'Add' button to generate the work order.

Work order

Once the work order is generated, all details are displayed on the screen with a 'not planned' status. To plan for a work order:

  • Click on the 'PPC Plan' option under the 'Actions' tab.
  • The 'Create Plan for Work order' window will open.

  • Create Plan for Work order

  • In the 'Create Your Plan' category, fill in necessary details for the processes/departments involved, such as:
    • Target per shift: count of parts to be produced per shift.
    • Machine name: select the machine for production.
    • Start and end dates: choose the dates for starting and completing the work.
    • Start and end shifts: specify the shifts for starting and completing the work.
    • Plan days: the total duration of the work.
  • After entering all the necessary details, click 'Create Plan'.

The work order status changes from 'Unplanned' to 'Planned.' As work progresses, the status becomes 'In Progress,' and you can track various statuses like 'planned,' 'in progress,' 'over produced,' etc. You can edit the plan using the 'Edit' option under the 'Actions' tab.

View the list of work orders for any month and year using the 'Calendar' option. Utilize the 'Search' option to find specific work orders.

2. Plan :

The 'Plan' page enables you to create a plan for any parts in addition to the parts that have already been planned and executed. To add a plan, follow the instructions below:

  • Click the 'Add Plan' button located in the top-right corner.
  • The 'Add Plan' window will appear.
  • In the 'Work Order' field, select the appropriate work order for which the plan will be created.
  • Upon selecting the work order, the part associated with it will automatically appear in the 'Part No.' field.
  • In the 'Line No.' tab, choose the line associated with the part.
  • Select the process under which the plan falls in the 'Process' tab.
  • Upon selecting the process, the 'Operation Order' associated with it will appear in the respective field.
  • Under the 'Machine Name' category, details such as the machine performing the process and the operator assigned to it will be displayed.
  • In the 'Start Date' field, select the date on which the work is scheduled to begin.
  • In the 'Start Shift' tab, choose the shift during which the plan will start.
  • Enter the required quantity in the 'Plan Qty' tab.
  • Click the 'Add Plan' button to save the plan.

You can either manually add the plan by following the steps above or import it using the 'Import Plan' option in the top-right corner.

Additionally, you can use the calendar feature to view the list of plans for a specific month and year.

3. Overall Plan :

On the 'Overall Plan' page, you can access comprehensive details of created plans, including:

  • Machine: Machine that is assigned for part production.
  • Work Order: Work order number for which the plan is created.
  • Target: Total count of parts to be produced.
  • Required Hours: Time required for plan completion.
  • Total Planned: Planned time period for task completion.
  • Total Available Hours: Total time still available to complete the task.
  • Planned %: Percentage completion of the plan.

Use the 'Calendar' feature to view the overall plan for a specific day. Additionally, observe the overall plan for a particular shift or all shifts using the 'Shift' dropdown menu.


The 'Production' page portrays the data of production process.

1. Overall Production :

The 'Overall Production' page provides a comprehensive overview of the entire production process. It includes the following details:

  • Machine: The machine number.
  • Shift: The shifts associated with the machine.
  • Part No.: The unique number of the parts produced by the machine.
  • Operation No.: The unique operation number specified in the cycle time for that part.
  • Hourly Data: Production data on an hourly basis for the selected shift.
  • Shift Production: The count of parts produced during the shift.
  • Defects: The number of parts with defects.
  • Today Production: The total production count for the selected date.
  • Downtime: The total time the machine was in downtime.
  • Availability %: Percentage of the total availability of the machine.
  • Performance %: Percentage of the overall performance of the machine.
  • Quality %: Percentage of the overall quality rate of the parts produced by that machine.
  • OEE %: Percentage of overall equipment effectiveness.

These percentages are color-coded into four categories. You can access the overall production data for any specific day using the 'Calendar' option in the top right corner.

2. Plan vs Actual :

This page provides insights into the planned production versus the actual production. You can view data for any specific shift on any date using the 'Shift' and 'Calendar' options in the top right corner. For the selected shift, machine-wise data is available, including:

  • Part No.: The part manufactured using the specific machine.
  • Op. No.: Operation number of the part, allotted in the cycle time.
  • Planned: The planned count of parts to be produced using that machine.
  • Completed: The count of parts that have been completed.
  • Pending: The count of parts that are still pending.

Plan vs Actual
3. Daily Report :

This page presents the production data for all the days in a month. It displays the following details:

  • Part No.: The unique identifier of the part being produced.
  • Count: The daily count of parts produced for each day of the month.
  • Total Produced: The total quantity of parts produced over the course of the month.

You can use the 'Calendar' option in the top-right corner to view production data for any month of the year.

4. Part Production Report :

This page provides a report on the parts being produced. You can view the following details on this page:

  • Part No.: The unique identifier of the part being manufactured.
  • Count: The quantity of parts produced each month.
  • Total Produced: The total count of parts produced throughout the year.

The 'Calendar' option, located in the top-right corner, enables you to view the report for any year of your choice.

Overall Report

The 'Overall Report' page serves as a comprehensive reporting hub, offering machine-wise, department-wise reports, OEE data reports.

1. OEE Report :

This page presents Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) data in graphical format, providing insights into various aspects:

  • Yearly average availability - for the current year
  • Yearly average performance - for the current year
  • Yearly average quality - for the current year
  • Yearly average OEE - for the current year
  • Monthly availability - previous vs present year
  • Monthly performance - previous vs present year
  • Monthly quality - previous vs present year
  • Monthly OEE - previous vs present year
  • Daily availability - for the last 30 days
  • Daily performance - for the last 30 days
  • Daily quality - for the last 30 days
  • Daily OEE - for the last 30 days

OEE report

2. Department Report :

This report provides availability, performance, quality, and OEE data department-wise in both graphical and percentage formats. It also displays part count, downtime reasons, and bad quantity data graphically. Choose a specific department from the dropdown menu in the top right corner, and view the report for any date using the 'Calendar' option.

Department report

3. Machine Report :

Similar to the department report, this report presents month-wise data. Select a month from the dropdown menu in the top right corner and access the report for any date using the 'Calendar' option.

Note: For detailed information on the data presented in these reports, refer to the 'Department Report' tab.

Machine report

Eagle view

This page displays graphical representations of the production process data, presenting information such as:

  • Generated value over the past 6 months (in INR)
  • Capacity utilization over the last 6 months
  • Key Performance Indicator (KPI) values for the current month
  • Details of the last 5 work orders
  • Expenditure on materials for the past 6 months (in INR)
  • Quality rejections in the preceding 6 months

Eagle View

Operator Performance

On this page, you can assess the performance of each operator on your production floor, with details including:

  • Op. ID: The unique ID of the operator.
  • Operator Name: The name of the operator.
  • Dept: The department to which the operator belongs.
  • Production Target: The target count of parts the operator aims to manufacture.
  • Production Actual: The actual number of parts the operator has manufactured.
  • Avg. Cycle Time: The average cycle time the operator has worked in seconds.
  • Base Time: The total time the operator has worked so far in seconds.
  • Performance %: The overall percentage of the operator's performance.
  • Efficiency %: The overall percentage of the operator's efficiency.
  • SMV: The time taken for the operator to perform the given task.

Use the 'Calendar' option in the top-right corner to view operator performance for any month of the year.


Upon configuring all essential production process details, you gain access to the following information:

  • Current month's revenue (in INR)
  • Previous month's revenue (in INR)
  • Average of the last 12 months' revenue (in INR)
  • KPI chart for Availability, Performance, Quality & OEE of the previous day
  • Department-wise KPI of the previous day
  • Maintenance details of the previous day
  • Last 5 work orders

This feature empowers the super admin to oversee and manage the entire production process across the shop floor.


This page provides details about the work currently in process (WIP). The following information is displayed:

  • WO. No.: The unique identifier of the work order.
  • Part Name: The name of the part being produced.
  • Order Qty.: The total quantity of parts required.
  • Planned Qty.: The quantity of parts planned for production.
  • Process: The quantity of parts produced at each stage of the process.
  • Finished Goods: The number of parts that have been completed.

You can view the work-in-process details for any month of the year using the 'Calendar' option in the top-right corner. Use the 'Search' option in the top-left corner to find specific WIP details.

Additionally, you can select particular data using the selection box at the beginning of each row and exclude them by using the 'Ignore' option located in the top-right corner.

Next, proceed to the 'Stores' page by clicking on the 'Profile' icon and navigating to the stores page.


This page provides comprehensive information about the inventories in the 'Store' and their current availability status. The employees within the 'Store' department have distinct roles categorized as Manager, Executive, and Viewer.

Now, let's delve into the specific functionalities of these three roles.

Store - Manager

The Store Manager possesses complete authority and control over the inventories and their availability on the production floor. They can access the system using the login ID and password set by the super admin on the 'Employees' page. Among the three store roles, the manager is the only one with the capability to read, write, and generate reports for inventory data.

The Store Manager has access to five distinct pages:

Dashboard :

On the 'Dashboard' page, the Store Manager can observe the following information:

  • Transaction details for the last 30 days, including total shipment cost (in Crores), raw materials purchased (in Lakhs), and the acquisition of consumables and tools (in thousands) for the production process. These values will be presented in INR.
  • Information about the last 5 shipments, including part name, customer name, the count of products purchased, and the value of the parts acquired.
  • Open requests, displaying the last 5 requests for required raw materials from various departments.

Send/Receive :

This page is further categorized into two sections: 'Send' and 'Receive.'

1. Send:

This section encompasses all the details regarding the raw materials sent from the store to various departments. It includes the following information:

  • Today: List of raw materials sent from the store to other departments on that specific day.
  • Pending: The list of pending raw material requests that has not yet been sent to the requested departments.
  • Completed: The list of raw material requests that have been fulfilled and sent to the requested departments, along with the supplied details.
  • History: The overall history of raw material requests and supplied raw materials.
  • Prepared DC: This displays the list of prepared Delivery Challans (DC). Users can create a DC by clicking on the 'Prepare DC' button in the top right corner.

To prepare a DC:

  • Enter a unique Delivery Report (DR) number in the 'DR No.' tab.
  • Choose the department from the list of added departments.
  • The 'Date' tab displays the current day's date by default.
  • The 'Send by' tab shows the email ID of the user preparing the DC.
  • Click on the + symbol to add material details.
  • Select 'Material Type,' 'Material Name,' 'Material ID,' 'Delivery Time,' 'WO No.,' and the 'Quantity' will be filled automatically.

Prepare a DC

You can delete details using the 'Delete' option.

  • After entering all the necessary details, click 'Send'.

Users can download the 'Material Delivery Report' using the 'Download icon' under the 'Actions' tab.

2. Return :

This page provides details about materials returned from the store due to various reasons. It is divided into two sections: 'Return' and 'History.'

a. Return:

This section lists materials that have been returned from various departments for different reasons. To understand the reason for return, you can click on the status of a specific material, which opens the 'Acknowledge' box. This box displays the reason for return, and you can choose to 'accept' or 'reject' the reason using the respective buttons.

b. History :

This section presents the overall history of raw materials that have been returned. You can view details of rejected raw materials for any specific month and year using the 'Calendar' option in the top right corner. Additionally, the history of rejected lists for raw materials, consumables, tools, and more can be viewed by selecting the relevant option from the drop-down menu in the top right corner.

You can search for specific details of rejected raw materials using the 'search' option.

Inventory :

This page provides an overview of purchased inventory details, including raw materials, consumables, spare parts, and tools for the production process.

The 'All' category allows you to view the details of all the materials in the store. This displays you the following details :

  • Material Type - The type of the material
  • Material Name - Name of the material
  • Material ID - The unique ID of the material
  • In Store - The status of the material, indicating whether it is available in the store or not.

You can view the combined history of all four (raw materials, consumables, spare parts, and tools) by using the dropdown menu listing the three categories in the top right corner. The 'Search' option facilitates finding specific details.

To add purchased tools:

  • Navigate to the 'Tools' tab.
  • Click the 'Add' button in the top right corner.
  • The 'Add Tool' window will appear.
  • The 'Date' tab defaults to the current day's date.
  • In the 'Tools' tab, select a tool from the list of added tools.
  • Upon selecting the tool, the material ID will be automatically updated.
  • Specify the challan number in the Dc No. Field.
  • In the 'Vendor Name' field, provide the name of the vendor of that particular tool.
  • Enter the 'Total Inwards' tab with the total count of tools available in the store.
  • In the 'Quality Check' tab, specify whether the quality of the part needs to be checked ('Yes') or not ('No').
  • In the 'Rejection' tab, enter the count of damaged inventories that cannot be used for production.
  • After entering the 'rejection' count, the available inventory count will automatically be displayed in the 'In Store.'
  • Click the 'Add' button.

Repeat these steps to add 'Raw materials', 'Consumables', and 'Spare parts.'

In the 'History' page, you can view the overall details of purchased raw materials, tools, and consumables, as well as their availability in the store. The history page allows viewing individual histories for tools, raw materials, and consumables. Additionally, you can view the combined history of all three by using the dropdown menu listing the three categories in the top right corner. The 'Search' option facilitates finding specific details, and the 'Calendar' option can be used to view the history of any particular month and year.

Utilization :

The 'Utilization' page provides details about the count of materials used so far. This page displays the following information:

  • Date: The date on which the materials were used.
  • Material Name: The name of the material utilized.
  • Material ID: The unique identifier of the material used.
  • Use Count: The total count of the material used.
  • Total Available: The number of materials still available.

The above details are listed for all four categories: tools, raw materials, consumables, and spare parts.

To add the utilization details:

  • Tap the 'Add' button located in the top-right corner.
  • The 'Add Tool' window will appear.
  • The current date will be displayed in the 'Date' field.
  • Select the tool you've used from the list provided in the 'Tools' tab.
  • Once a tool is selected, the 'Material ID' will be displayed automatically.
  • Specify the count of tools used in the 'Tool Count' field.
  • Enter the remaining available count of tools in the 'Available' field.
  • Tap the 'Add' button to save the details.

Follow the same steps to add utilization details for raw materials, consumables, and spare parts.

Raw material Utilization

The additional features of this page include the 'Calendar' option, located in the top-right corner, which allows you to view utilization data for any month. The 'Search' option in the top-left corner enables you to quickly find specific utilization details. Additionally, you can use the 'Edit' option to modify previously added details or the 'Delete' option to remove them as needed.

Shipment :

This page provides details about goods ready for delivery and shipment, divided into two categories: 'finished goods' and 'prepare for delivery'.

1. Finished goods:

This section displays details about finished goods ready for shipment, including:

  • WO Number: Work order number of the completed part
  • WO Date: Work order date of the specific part
  • Part No.: Unique number of the produced part
  • Required Quantity: Total count of required parts
  • Dispatchable: Total count of dispatching production parts ready for shipment
  • Shipped: Total count of parts already shipped

You can use the 'Search' option in the top left corner to find specific details about finished goods and the 'Calendar' option to view the finished goods details of any particular month.

2. Prepare for Delivery:

This section allows the creation of 'Direct Challan' (DC) to be sent to customers. To create a DC:

  • Click the 'Create DC' button in the top right corner.
  • The 'Create DC' window will appear.
  • The 'DC No.' tab will show a unique number for the created challan by default.
  • In the 'To' tab, choose the customer's name from the list.
  • The customer's address will be automatically set after selecting their name.
  • Click the + symbol to add product details.
  • Select the material ID and work order number of the produced part.
  • Enter the quantity of parts to be sent; the value will be automatically calculated.

You can use the 'Delete' option to remove entered details.

  • Click 'Send' to dispatch the challan.

Options under the 'Actions' category allow generating invoices and downloading challans. You can view generated challans for any month or year using the 'Calendar' option. Use the 'Search' option to find specific challans.

These functionalities empower the store manager to perform and monitor various tasks.

Store - Executive

The Store Executive possesses similar functionalities to a store manager, excluding access to the dashboard. Unlike the manager, the executive cannot view recent shipments, transactions, or open requests. However, he can acknowledge details of sent/received inventories, similar to the manager.

Note: The executive can log in using the login ID and password set by the super admin in the 'Employees' page.

Store - Viewer

The Viewer in the Store has limited access and can only view details equivalent to the executive's level of access. This includes:

  • Raw materials sent to various departments and those returned.
  • Availability of inventories and their details.
  • Utilization details of the materials.
  • Finished goods ready for shipment and the generated challans.

Note: The viewer can log in using the login ID and password set by the super admin in the 'Employees' page.

This concludes the overview of all three roles within the Store department.

Now, let's proceed to the Department section.


This page presents comprehensive production details specific to a particular department. The employees within a department are categorized into three distinct roles:

  • Department Head
  • Department Supervisor
  • Department Operator

Now, let's delve into the specifics of each of these three roles.

Department - Head

The Department Head holds complete control over the production floor and processes within the specific department. Access to their account is granted through a login ID and password set by the super admin on the 'Employees' page.

Upon logging in, the Department Head can navigate through a UI divided into seven sub-pages: Dashboard, Plan, Production, Material, Report, Quality, and Downtime. Let's explore each of these in detail.

Dashboard :

The 'Dashboard' page provides an overview of production data for all shifts within a specific department. This page includes the following details:

  • Produced/Planned: The total count of parts produced compared to the planned count
  • Expected Target: The expected count of materials to be completed.
  • WIP: The count of works currently in progress.
  • Yesterday's Idle Machine: The count of machines that were idle the previous day
  • Month Target: The monthly target, including part number, target quantity, and the produced quantity
  • Operator Performance: The performance percentage of operators for the past 30 days, along with their names and machine numbers
  • Plan vs Actual: A graphical representation of planned production versus actual production

You can view these details for all shifts or a specific shift using the 'Shift' drop-down menu in the top right corner.


This page provides an overview of the production process plan. Here you can view the following details :

  • Machine: The number of the machine used for part production.
  • Work Order: The work order number for which the plan is created.
  • Target: The total count of parts to be produced.
  • Required Hours: The time needed to complete the plan.
  • Total Planned: The planned time period to complete the task.
  • Total Available Hours: The total time still available to complete the task.
  • Planned %: The percentage of completion for the plan.

Additionally, the overall plan for any specific day can be viewed using the 'Calendar' feature. The 'Department' dropdown menu allows you to view the plan details of any particular department. The 'Shift' dropdown menu allows the display of the overall plan for any particular shift or all shifts.


This page provides a comprehensive view of the production process, divided into three sections: production, plan vs actual, and daily report. Let's explore each of them in detail.

1. Production

This page displays production details on an hourly basis. The following details are shown on the page:

  • Machine - The ID of the machine.
  • Shift - The total number of shifts assigned to that particular machine.
  • Part No. - The unique number of the part being produced using the machine.
  • Op No. - The operation number associated with the work order.
  • Hourly Data - The count of parts produced on an hourly basis.
  • Shift Production - The count of parts produced during each shift.
  • Defects - The number of parts identified with defects.
  • Today's Production - The count of parts produced on the current day.
  • Downtime - The duration for which the machine was idle.
  • Availability, Performance, Quality, and OEE Percentages - The percentages of availability, performance, quality, and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in production.

You can view production data for any specific date using the 'Calendar' option in the top-right corner. Additionally, you can view production data for any specific department using the 'Department' option located near the 'Calendar' option.

2. Plan vs Actual

This page provides a comparison between planned production and actual production, displaying details such as:

  • Part Number
  • Operation Number of the part produced
  • Count of total parts Planned, Completed, and Pending.

You can view these details for any date using the 'Calendar' option. Additionally, you have the flexibility to view this information for any specific shift using the 'Shift' selection dropdown menu in the top right corner. Make use of the 'Department' option to view the details of any particular department.

3. Daily Report

This page provides details of the parts produced each day of a month, as well as the total parts produced during that month.

Use the 'Calendar' option in the top-right corner to view data for any specific month.


This section enables you to access details about the raw materials used in the production process. It is further categorized into two sub-pages: Store and RM/Part Handling. Let's explore each in detail.

1. Store:

This page offers functionalities to add material requests, add returns, and view the history of both.

a. Add Request:

This page allows you to submit a request to the store for specific materials needed in the production process. In the 'Request Entry' window, follow these steps:

  • The date defaults to the present day.
  • Your department name is automatically entered in the respective tab.
  • 'Store' is automatically selected in the 'To' tab, as you are requesting materials only from the store.
  • In the 'Work Order' tab, choose the relevant work order from the available list.
  • Select the type of material you're requesting (raw material, consumable, or tools) in the 'Material Type' tab.
  • Upon selecting the material type, a list of material names appears in the 'Material Name' tab. Choose the specific material you need.
  • Enter the quantity of materials required in the 'Count' tab.
  • In the 'Delivery Time' tab, specify the day and time you need the materials for production.
  • After entering all the details, click the 'Send' button to submit the material request to the store.

Add Request

b. View Request:

This section allows you to review all the material requests you have submitted to the Store. You can obtain the following details from this page:

  • Department: The name of the department from which the material request was sent.
  • Work Order: The work order number for which the material was requested.
  • Material Type: The type of material requested, such as raw material, consumables, or tools.
  • Material Name: The name of the specific material requested.
  • Material ID: The unique ID of the requested material.
  • Required Qty.: The quantity of materials needed for production.
  • Required Time: The date and time when the material is required.
  • Received Qty.: The quantity of materials received from the store.
  • Received Time: The date and time when the materials were received.
  • Status: The status of the sent request, such as completed or pending.

You can view requests for any month and year using the 'Calendar' feature. Additionally, you can separately view requests for raw materials, tools, and consumables. You can also view requests for all three combined by using the material type selection drop-down in the top right corner. Furthermore, you can search for any specific request using the 'Search' option in the top left corner.

c. Add Return

This page enables you to make an entry to return materials purchased from the Store. There are two potential reasons for returning a product: having surplus materials or rejecting materials due to quality defects. To create a return entry:

  • The 'Date' will default to the current day's date.
  • Your department name will automatically appear in the respective tab.
  • 'Store' will default in the 'To' tab as you are returning materials to the store.
  • Choose the work order number in the 'Work order' tab for which you purchased the materials.
  • Select the type of material in the 'Material Type' tab.
  • After selecting the material type, the material name will automatically appear in the 'Material Name' tab.
  • In the 'Rejection Type' tab, specify the reason for returning the material as either surplus or rejection.
  • In the 'Count' tab, enter the number of materials you are returning to the store.

Note: If you have selected rejection as the reason for returning the material, an additional box called 'Rejection Reason' will appear at the end. There are three types of rejection reasons: material defects, manufacturing errors, and incorrect labeling.

  • In the 'Rejection reason' tab, choose the appropriate reason for rejecting the material.
  • After entering all the details, click on the 'Send' button to submit the rejection entry to the stores.

Add Return

d. View Return

This page enables you to review all the return entries made thus far. It provides the following details:

  • Return date: The date on which the materials were returned.
  • Department: The name of the department that returned the materials.
  • Work order: The work order number for which the materials were purchased.
  • Material type: The type of material that the department acquired from the store.
  • Material name: The name of the material acquired by the department.
  • Material ID: The unique ID of the material purchased.
  • Return Qty.: The quantity of materials returned.
  • Return type: The reason for return, either surplus or rejection.
  • Reason: The reason for rejecting the material (displayed only when rejection is chosen as the return type).
  • Status: The status of the return entry.

You can view the return entries for any month and year using the 'Calendar' option. Additionally, you can examine the return entries for raw materials, tools, and consumables separately, and you can also view the return entries for all three combined using the material type selection drop-down in the top right corner. Furthermore, you can search for any particular return entry using the 'Search' option in the top left corner.

2. RM/Part handling :

This page enables you to access details regarding raw materials and finished goods. It is further categorized into three sub-pages: inward, outward, and finished goods. Let's explore each one in detail.

a. Inward:

The 'Inward' page provides information about the raw materials procured by that particular department from the Store. It presents the following details:

  • From department: The name of the department from which the material was purchased, typically 'Store' by default.
  • Work order: The work order number for which the material was procured.
  • Raw material name: The name of the raw material acquired.
  • Raw material ID: The unique ID of the raw material obtained.
  • Inward Qty.: The quantity of raw material needed for production.
  • Request time: The date and time when the material is required.
  • Supplied time: The date and time when the material was delivered by the store to the department.
  • Received count: The total number of materials received from the store.

You can view the details of inward materials for any month and year using the 'Calendar' option in the top right corner. Additionally, you can search for specific inward details using the 'Search' option in the top left corner.

b. Outward :

This page presents details about the completed parts that are sent from the department to the store for delivery. The displayed information includes:

  • Send Department: The department, typically 'Store,' to which the parts will be sent.
  • Work order: The work order number associated with the production of the part.
  • Part name: The name of the produced part.
  • Part number: The unique identification number of the part.
  • Supplied count: The quantity of parts being supplied after production.
  • Supplied date & time: The date and time when the parts were supplied.

You can review the outward entries for any month and year using the 'Calendar' option in the top right corner. Additionally, you can search for specific outward entries using the 'Search' option in the top left corner.

c. Finished goods :

This page presents details about the finished goods, encompassing the following information:

  • WO Number: The work order number corresponding to the completed parts.
  • WO Date: The date on which the work order was generated.
  • Part No.: The unique identification number assigned to the produced part.
  • Required quantity: The total count of parts required by the customer.
  • Produced: The total count of parts that have been produced.
  • Supplied count: The total number of parts supplied thus far.

To transfer the finished goods details to the 'Outward' page, you can use the 'Send' button located under the 'Actions' tab. After clicking the send button, you can view those details on the 'Outward' page.

For specific searches of finished goods details, you can utilize the 'Search' option located in the top left corner.

Report :

The 'Report' page provides insights into machine-wise data, departmental overall reports, and daily production data.

1. Machine Report:

This report showcases availability, performance, quality, and OEE data machine-wise, presented in both graphical and percentage formats. Additionally, the page displays graphical representations of part count, downtime reasons, and defective quantity.

To view the report for a specific machine, select the machine from the drop-down menu in the top right corner. The date selection can be made using the 'Calendar' option.

2. Department/Line Report:

Similar to the machine report, the department/line report presents availability, performance, quality, and OEE data but specific to your department/line process.

For more detailed information, please refer to the 'Machine Report' tab.

You can view the department report for any date using the 'Calendar' option placed in the top right corner.

Quality :

The 'Quality' page provides the functionality to record quality rejection entries and add quality inspection parameters. This page is divided into two sections: rejection entry and quality inspection. Let's explore each in detail.

1. Rejection Entry:

This section allows you to add and view entries related to quality rejection. It consists of two sub-pages: 'Add Rejection' and 'View Rejection.'

a. Add Rejection:

This page enables you to add rejection reasons specifically related to quality. In the 'Rejection Entry' window, fill in the following details:

  • Department: Your department's name will be displayed by default.
  • Line/Process: Select the appropriate line and the associated process.
  • Machine: Select the machine number used for producing the part.
  • Date: Choose the date for the rejection entry.
  • Shift: Pick the shift number during which the part was produced.
  • Work Order & Part: The associated work order and part for the selected shift will appear automatically.
  • To Inspect: Displays the count of parts to be inspected.
  • Total Inspected: The total count of parts inspected overall.
  • Inspected Count: Enter the total number of parts to be inspected.
  • Reason: Choose the reason for marking the part as rejection. Options may include 'no defect,' 'inward rejection,' or any additional reasons.

Add Rejection

Note: If 'no defect' is selected as the rejection reason, its details will not be displayed on the 'View Rejection' page.

  • Rejection: The count of parts being rejected.
  • Rework: The number of parts suggested for rework.

After entering all the details, click the 'Add' button to include the rejection entry. These details will be visible on the 'View Rejection' page.

b. View Rejection :

This page presents the recorded rejection entries with the following details:

  • Date: The date when the rejection entry was added.
  • Work Order: The work order number associated with the rejection entry for the part.
  • Shift: The shift number during which the part production occurred.
  • Machine: The machine number involved in the production.
  • Part: The unique part number produced.
  • Rejection Quantity: The total count of parts that have been rejected.
  • Reason: The specified reason for the part rejection.

Note: If the rejection reason is chosen as 'no defect' during the rejection entry, its details will not be visible on this page.

You can utilize the 'Search' option in the top left corner to find specific rejection entries.

2. Quality inspection :

This page facilitates the addition and viewing of quality parameters to be assessed for a part, and it is further categorized into two sub-pages: Add Quality and View Quality.

a. Add Quality:

This page enables you to include quality parameters for assessment when producing a part. To do so:

  • Select the 'Process' (if line process) / 'Part No.' for which you're entering the quality parameters.
  • In the 'Work order' tab, choose the associated work order number.
  • The 'Date' is set to the current day by default.
  • Select the appropriate 'Line No.' if chosen line process.
  • Enter the 'Serial No.' to identify the entry.

After selecting the above details, the quality parameters already added on the 'Settings' page by the super admin will be listed.

  • 'Parameter': Displays the quality parameter to be checked.
  • 'Min. Value': Shows the minimum value of the given parameter.
  • 'Max. Value': Indicates the maximum value of the given parameter.
  • 'Actual value': Enter the actual value of the specified parameter.
  • 'Status': Displays the status of quality assessment as either 'success' or 'fail' based on whether the actual value falls within the specified range.
  • 'Reason': Select the reason when the quality assessment status is 'fail'.
  • Click on the 'Add' button to include the quality inspection.

This page also shows the total count of inspections conducted so far.

b. View Quality :

The 'View Quality' page allows you to examine the quality inspection details for a specific work order and part. This page presents the following details:

  • Time
  • Serial Number
  • Width
  • Actual values of the parameters

To view the quality inspection details for a particular work order, utilize the 'Work order' drop-down menu. Additionally, you can select the part by using the 'Part number' drop-down menu located in the top right corner.

Downtime :

This page provides details about downtime and is divided into two categories: Add Downtime and View Downtime.

1. Add Downtime

To add downtime, follow these steps:

  • The 'Department' field will display the department to which you belong.
  • Select the relevant 'Line Number' for the chosen line process.
  • In the 'Machine' field, choose the machine that was idle.
  • Enter the date when the machine failure occurred.
  • Specify the time the machine was idle in the 'Downtime' field.
  • In the 'Total Hours' field, enter the total time the machine remained idle.
  • Choose the appropriate machine status from the available options.
  • In the 'Reason' dropdown menu, select the correct reason for the machine failure.
  • The 'Operator' field will show the name of the operator associated with the machine.
  • Click the 'Add' button to save the downtime details.

Add Downtime

2. View Downtime

This page displays a list of downtime details that occurred. You can view the following information:

  • Machine: ID of the machine that experienced the failure
  • Date: The date on which the machine failure occurred
  • Start & End Time: The time when the machine failure started and ended
  • Duration: Total time the machine was idle (in minutes)
  • Operator: Email ID of the operator who was responsible for the machine
  • Reason: The cause of the machine downtime

You can use the 'Calendar' option to view downtime details for any specific month. The 'Search' option enables you to find particular details.

Additionally, you can edit or delete the recorded downtime details using the options available under the 'Actions' category.

Department - Supervisor

The Department Supervisor has the authority to oversee and manage all machines assigned to the department. Logging into their page requires using the login credentials set by the super admin.


On the 'Overview' page, the supervisor gains insights into the production data within their designated department. They can also access information about the assigned shift, the current day, and its date and time.

The details presented on this page include:

  • Machine number
  • Machine status
  • Part number
  • Downtime
  • Production and target graph
  • Percentage of availability, performance, quality, and OEE
Status :

This page empowers the supervisor to monitor the production status of machines within their designated department. It provides the following details:

  • Machine name
  • Part number
  • Operator name assigned to that machine

Additionally, there is an option to change the operator for any specific machine.

Details such as Actual/Target count of produced parts, machine runtime, and total downtime are presented.

The supervisor holds the authority to assign operators to specific machines. To accomplish this:

  • Click on the 'Assign Operator' button located in the top right corner.
  • In the 'Assign Operator' tab that appears, select an operator from the list of added operators.
  • In the 'Machine' tab, choose a machine from the list of added machines under that department.
  • Finally, click on the 'Add' button to successfully assign the operator to a specific machine.
Maintenance :

This page allows you to create a ticket for machines that are idle.

To initiate a ticket, select the 'Create Ticket' button. Follow these steps:

  • Choose the breakdown type from the available options.
  • The default department allotted to you will be displayed.
  • Select the priority level for the maintenance.
  • Choose the machine number for which you're raising the ticket.
  • Specify the breakdown start time.
  • Select the reason for the breakdown.
  • Provide any comments related to the maintenance if needed.
  • Your name (supervisor's name) will be automatically populated in the 'Updated by' field.
  • Click the 'Create' button to submit the ticket.

This page additionally shows the list of recent tickets and the status of the machines.

Tools :

This page provides the details of tool changes. The following information can be viewed:

  • Machine Id: The ID of the machine to which the tool is assigned
  • Tool Id: The unique ID of the tool
  • Alert Time: The time when the tool needs to be changed
  • Tool Changed Time: The time when the tool was replaced
  • Status: The status of the tool replacement

Department - Operator

The operator, assigned to a specific machine, can access their page using the login credentials provided by the super admin.

On the operator page, they can view details such as the machine name assigned to them, the shift number to which they belong, the current day, along with the date and time.

The operator has visibility into the following information:

1. Production :
  • Part number
  • Work order number under which the part is produced
  • Bad quantity: Count of defective parts
  • Run time: Total run time of the machine
  • Downtime: Total downtime of the machine
  • Graphical representation of target count versus the count produced for their shift
  • Percentage of machine availability, performance, quality, and OEE
2. Quality :

This page enables an operator to create a rejection entry for any produced part. In the 'Rejection Entry' window:

  • Department and Machine will be displayed by default.
  • Select the date for the rejection entry.
  • Choose the shift to which you belong.
  • Select the work order number corresponding to the part you're rejecting.
  • Choose the part number you are producing.
  • The count of parts to be inspected will be displayed.
  • Enter the total count of parts inspected.
  • Enter the count of parts inspected.
  • Choose the reason for rejection.
  • Enter the count of parts you're rejecting.
  • Enter the count of parts that need rework.
  • Click on the 'Add' button to include the rejection entry.
3. Downtime :

This page enables the operator to input downtime details. To add the 'downtime' details:

  • Select the time when the machine failure occurred
  • Enter the total duration the machine remained idle
  • From the available downtime reasons, select the most appropriate one
  • The operator's name will automatically appear in the 'Operator' field
  • Click the 'Add' button to save the details
4. Maintenance :

This page enables the operator to generate a maintenance ticket for their machine. To create a ticket:

  • Click on the 'Create Ticket' button.
  • Choose the type of breakdown in the 'Breakdown type' field.
  • Department and Machine No. will be automatically populated with the operator's department name and machine number.
  • Select the time when the breakdown started in the 'Breakdown start time' field.
  • Choose the reason for the breakdown.
  • Pick the priority level for the maintenance.
  • Add any comments you have regarding the maintenance.
  • 'Updated by' will be automatically filled with the operator's name.
  • Click the 'Create' button to generate the ticket.
5. Tools :

The Tools page provides the operator with details about the tools used by a specific machine. It shows the following information:

  • Tool No. – The unique identification number of the tool being used
  • Tool Name – The name of the tool in use
  • Count – The total number of tools being used
  • Status – The current availability status of the tool
  • Max Cycle – The maximum number of cycles the tool can be used for
  • Alert – Displays a 'Change' button to replace the tool with a new one

The 'Tools History' button, located in the top right corner, allows the operator to view the tool usage history, including the duration the tool was used and the time it was replaced with a new one.

6. Request :

On this page, operators can initiate a material request for the production process. In the 'Request Entry' window:

  • Date: By default, it will be set to the present day's date.
  • From: By default, the operator's department will be displayed.
  • To: By default, 'Store' will be the department to which the material request is addressed.
  • Work order: Select the relevant work order number for the ongoing task.
  • Material type: Choose the type of material required, such as raw material, tools, or consumables.
  • Material name: Select the specific material needed.
  • Count: Enter the quantity of material required.
  • Delivery time: Specify the time by which the material is needed.
  • Click on the 'Send' button to dispatch the material request to the Store department.
7. Return :

This page enables operators to add a return entry for materials obtained from the Store. In the 'Return Entry' window:

  • Date: By default, the current day's date will be displayed.
  • From: By default, the operator's department will be shown.
  • To: By default, 'Store' will be the designated department for returning the material.
  • Work order: Select the relevant work order number associated with the ongoing task.
  • Material type: Choose the type of material being returned, whether it's raw material, tools, or consumables.
  • Material name: Select the specific material being returned.
  • Rejection type: Choose the rejection type as either surplus or rejection.
  • Count: Enter the quantity of materials being returned to the store.

Click the 'Send' button to transmit the rejection entry to the Stores.

This covers the functionalities that an operator in a department can execute.

Now let's move on to the 'Maintenance' department.


The Maintenance page provides comprehensive information about machine maintenance and downtime status. Employees within the Maintenance department are categorized into two roles:

  • Manager
  • Executive

Now, let's explore the specific functionalities associated with these two roles.

Maintenance - Manager

The Maintenance Manager possesses comprehensive authority and can access details regarding all machine performances, as well as acknowledge them. To log in, the Maintenance Manager uses the login ID and password set by the super admin in the 'Employees' page. Among the two roles in maintenance, the manager role holds all the capabilities.

The Maintenance Manager has three distinct pages:

  • Tickets
  • Reports
  • Dashboard

Now, let's delve into each page for a detailed understanding.

1. Tickets:

The 'Tickets' section provides an overview of raised tickets, allowing the maintenance manager to access specific details.

a. Open tickets:

This section lists open tickets yet to be resolved, featuring:

  • Intimation time: The date and time the ticket was raised.
  • Machine: The ID of the machine for which the ticket is issued.
  • Reason: The cause of the machine's failure.
  • Expected start time: The anticipated maintenance commencement time.
  • Expected end time: The expected resolution time and date.
  • Acknowledged by: The name of the person who acknowledged the issue.
  • Raised by: The individual who reported the problem.
  • Status: The current status of the ticket, either 'acknowledged' or 'pending'.

To acknowledge an issue, the maintenance manager can click on the 'pending' label, opening the 'Acknowledgement Entry' window.

In this section, users can input the following details:

  • Intimation time
  • BD Type
  • Machine
  • Reason
  • Comments
  • Ack Time (acknowledged time)
  • Expected service start time
  • Expected service end time
  • Ack by (acknowledged by)
  • Raised by

To mark an issue as resolved, the manager can click on 'Acknowledge,' opening the 'Resolved Entry' window, allowing them to enter the following service details:

  • Root cause for the error
  • Action taken to rectify the error
  • Service start time
  • Service end time
  • Resolved by (name of the person who resolved the error)

To complete the process, they hit the 'Resolve' button.

b. Pending for a day:

In this section, the manager can view errors that remain unresolved for a day after the specified end date of the issue.

c. Overdue for a week:

Here, the manager can access details of issues pending for a week after the specified end date.

d. Closed Tickets:

This section displays a list of issues that have been successfully resolved.

To view the details of a specific issue, the manager can click on 'View details' within the relevant machine tab, revealing ticket details and service information.

2. Reports :

The 'Reports' tab presents machine status information in both tabular and graphical formats, categorized into three types:

a. MTTR & MTBF Data:

This report provides data for mean time to repair and mean time between failures in a tabular format, including details such as total breakdown time, breakdown frequency per day and month, MTBF targets, and MTTR statistics.


The manager can choose a specific month for the report using the calendar feature.

b. Machine-wise Graph:

This report visually represents MTBF and MTTR data per day and per month for each machine.

Machinewise Graph

The manager can select the month for analysis through the calendar option.

c. Date-based Report:

This report offers graphical insights into MTBF data for a whole month, MTBF data for an entire year, MTTR data for a month, and MTBF data for a specific year.

Date based Graph

The manager can choose the machine for which they wish to generate the report from the list appearing in the top right corner.

3. Dashboard :

The 'Dashboard' page presents details of all machines' performances associated with the maintenance manager's account. Within the dashboard, the manager can access the following information:

  • MTTR (Mean Time To Repair): Represents the average time taken to complete maintenance processes.
  • MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures): Reflects the average time elapsed between machine failures that require repair.
  • Open tickets: Indicates the number of tickets that are currently open.
  • Schedules: Provides a list of scheduled maintenance tasks.
  • Resolved: Indicates the total number of resolved maintenance issues.
  • Priority: Categorizes maintenance issues into low, medium, high, and very high.

These are the functionalities a maintenance manager can oversee and perform.

Maintenance - Executive

The Maintenance Executive has access to all functionalities similar to the manager, excluding the dashboard. The executive's capability is limited to acknowledging the performance of all machines.

Login is facilitated using the login ID and password set by the Super Admin in the 'Employees' page.

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