MQTT Dashboard


Create Multiple Dashboards

  • An exceptionally customizable live MQTT Dashboard to get perfect visuals for your data from MQTT topics.
  • Create your own multiple dashboards in minutes for data visualization & remote-device control in real-time.
  • No design or coding skills are required. Just lay out the widgets on the dashboard, set up MQTT topics, and relish a stunning and value-bringing picture on the user interface.
  • Assign the dashboards to multiple customers of your IoT applications.

Widgets for diversified use-cases

  • 10+ live pre-built widgets to create end-user custom dashboards for varied use-cases
  • Display anomalies or performance metrics in real-time which helps you make data-driven business decisions by acting on time.
  • Scalable to fit all industrial and commercial IoT deployments & implementations.
  • Analyze data from the past to discern specific trends, and comparison of your application performance.
  • A graphical display of data to compare two different sets of data from two similar devices.
Reports & History Graphs

Reports & History Graphs

  • Built-in visualization to visualize individual device data and topic payloads in real-time in the form of graphs & charts.
  • Device to Device comparison graphs to compare two different devices with their data and topic payloads at different intervals.
  • 5+ comparison models to generate comparison reports.
  • The time comparison graph provides comparison reports for the payload which are published in two different days or months or years.
  • Download the reports at anytime in the form of PDF.

Highly Customizable MQTT Dashboard

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