Simulator Configuration

Powerful User Interface

iot-simulator configuration

Create & Configure

The MQTT simulator helps you create devices with WILL and Retain. Further, the UI helps configure subscription to topics, Publishing of messages, conditional publishing. These configuration can be configured to be triggered based on time.

update in realtime

Update in Realtime

The User interface updates the data in the database in realtime and will get effected immediately. The devices can be started and stopped from the User Interface.

Flexible Data Storage


CSV Importer

Assign a bulk publishing event for a specific time interval via csv importer. Configure the IoT events easier & faster by uploading your pre-defined data set as CSV file.


Advanced Database Option

Data Store is supported with MySQL & SQLite. All changes done in the Database storage will be updated in the simulation in realtime. MySQL is recommended for large network simulation. The User interface will be used to update the Database.


Database Benefits

The interactive User Interface is supported in the Database mode. The REST API has more support for updating data of the clients in realtime.

Simple and Powerful

With the flexible and powerful UI and DB options, IoT Simulator helps you GTD with ease

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