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Rule engine – set triggers by time

by Ponlakshmi

Rule Engine

A rule engine in an MQTT Broker allows you to define and implement rules that control the behavior of the MQTT Broker based on certain conditions. It helps you analyse the data and create actions and send appropriate messages to another device based on the received data. But in addition, most of the work human do from dawn to dusk are time driven. So the things on the internet needs some activation based on the time in addition to the condition based activation.

With the backing of this rule engine, users may instantly process incoming MQTT messages and take quick action in response to their content. It can be used to set up notifications and alerts based on predetermined circumstances. You may, for instance, set up rules to send notifications when specific thresholds are met or significant occurrences take place.

Today, we are happy to add a time based rule engine which can users define messages based on the time in addition to the condition based rules.

One Time Scheduling:

The MQTT Broker can be configured to send specific message to a specific topic on a particular date and time.

Repetitive Tasks:

The floor cleaning robot needs to be scheduled every day or certain days of the week to clean all rooms. This can be triggered by scheduing messages all days or on specific days and specific time.


Some work may be seasonal like watering the lawn and using air conditioners in tropical countries. The MQTT broker can trigger messages on a specified date range and time to trigger actions.

In addition to the rules engine enhancement, we have also added an exclusive download for the Raspbian OS to be used in the Raspberry Pi.

Visit the Rule engine page to know more about its feature and refer the MQTT broker help documentation to know about both types of rules (time-based & condition-based rules) in detail.

Please feel free to contact support for any questions or feedback

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